HN Holds Winter Sports Awards Ceremony
Written by WKTN Staff on March 10, 2023
Hardin Northern Winter Awards Thursday March 9, 2023….
Boys Basketball:
3rd Year Awards…1
2nd Year Awards…5
Offenssive Player of the Year…Zeb Wilson
6th Man Award…Carter Curtis
Cody Wilmouth Award…Landon Wetherill
Most Improved Player…Xander Wilson
Girls Basketball:
4th Year Awads…3
2nd Year Awards…4
Most Improved Player…Katie Good
Leadership Award…Emma Martin
Most Valuable Player…Emma Martin
Most Valuable Player…Bella Wilson
Offensive Player of the Year…Bella Wilson
Polar Bear Award…Makenna Eibling
Defensive Player of the Year…Lainey Thomas
Basketball Cheerleading:
4th Year Awards…1
3rd Year Awards…3
Most Valuable Cheerleader…Kaylee Baker
Best Motions…Kaylee Baker
Best Jumps…Cadence Coy
GRIT Award…Alyssa Heldman
Best Jumps…Blaire Hipsher
Polar Bear Award…Blaire Hipsher
Most Improved Player…Heidi Trachsel
Most Improved Player…Jenna Smith