OSP Releases Results of 6-State Seat Belt Enforcement Project

Written by on June 11, 2019

COLUMBUS – The Ohio State Highway Patrol joined forces with other members of the 6-State Trooper Project to focus on safety belt enforcement.

During the project, 6,358 people were cited with safety belt related offenses. Throughout the six states, 12,972 safety belt citations were issued.

The high-visibility enforcement included the Indiana State Police, Kentucky State Police, Michigan State Police, Pennsylvania State Police and the West Virginia State Police, as well the Patrol. The initiative began on May 20 at 12:01 a.m. and continued through May 27 at 11:59 p.m.

In addition to the safety belt enforcement, troopers also focused on child safety violations. Troopers cited 149 people with child safety seat violations. Throughout the six states, 654 child safety seat violations were issued.

The 6-State Trooper Project is a multi-state law enforcement partnership aimed at providing combined and coordinated law enforcement and security services in the areas of highway safety, criminal patrol and intelligence sharing.

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