Ridgemont Board of Education has Vacancy; Holds Reorganizational Meeting

Written by on January 10, 2020

Due to no candidate running for the vacant seat, the Ridgemont Board of Education must fill a vacancy.


This position will run from the appointment through December 31, 2021.


Any qualified applicant wishing to be considered for the vacant position must submit, in writing, a letter of interest including their name, address, and phone number along with the reason(s) why they want to serve on the Ridgemont Board of Education addressed to the Ridgemont Board of Education President.


It must be filed with the Treasurer, Melissa Pollom, in person, by email, or received by mail by 4:00 pm on January 17, 2020.


The Ridgemont Board of Education also held its reorganizational meeting Thursday evening.


Eric Hill and Charlie McCullough were administered the Oath of Office after being elected to continue to serve as Board Members. 

Corey Ledley was elected President for 2020 and Charlie McCullough, Vice President. 


It was decided that Board meetings will be held on the 4th Thursday of the month except for April, October, November and December. 


All meetings will start at 5:00 pm in the School Conference Room.

Current track

