HN Releases Reopening Plan

Written by on July 18, 2020

Re-Opening of Hardin County Schools – Overview

• Families will have the choice between sending their children to school five days a week for face to face instruction or keeping them at home to continue online
instruction for the 2020-2021 school year.

• Families who choose online instruction for the 2020-2021 school year will need to complete an intent form that will be posted on the district website prior August 1,

• All staff members will be wearing face coverings when interacting with students with a few exceptions. At no time will staff be interacting with students within 6
feet and not wearing a face covering. The type of face covering (mask, shield, etc.) will be based upon the designated work area, type of work, and instructional needs
of students. Face coverings will be provided to any staff member upon request.

• Face coverings are strongly recommended for all students, however; this will be a parental decision. Face coverings will be provided to any student upon request.

• All staff and students should do a self assessment prior to leaving for school. If the person is experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms, they should follow their school
district’s sick leave and absence policies and not report to the school building.

• Staff will be provided training on recognition of symptoms of COVID-19.

• There will be a separate designated area for students and staff who exhibit COVID19 symptoms during the school day. Students will be cared for by a trained medical
person following the appropriate safety protocols and wearing the appropriate PPE.

• Visitors to the building during the pandemic will be discouraged. All visitors will be required to follow the safety protocols and wear a face covering. Face coverings will be provided to any visitor upon request.

• Students and Staff will be encouraged to practice frequent handwashing protocols throughout the day and hand sanitizer will be provided in high traffic areas,
including but not limited to entrances to the building, classrooms, cafeteria, and gymnasium.

• Signs, posters, and other methods to reinforce the importance of frequent hand washing and sanitizing and physical distancing protocols.

• Only water fountains that have been converted to water bottle filling stations will be open. Students and staff are encouraged to bring a water bottle or a bottle of
water to school everyday. The district will provide one water bottle to any student or staff member who needs one.

• The school district will be developing cleaning protocols for each building paying close attention to high traffic, high touch areas, entrances and exits, classrooms and bathrooms.

• Large gatherings of students, such as the beginning and end of the school day, and transitions during the school day will be kept to a minimum with all student areas being disinfected between transitions.

• We ask students not to share supplies.

• Students will have assigned seats in the classroom, cafeteria, and bus.

• School busing will be provided, however; families must understand that there exists some inherent risk for students that choose to ride the bus. Buses will be disinfected according to the safety protocols after the completion of each bus route. Families are encouraged to transport their bus riding children to
school whenever possible.

• Breakfast and lunches will be supplied to our students. Logistics will be determined by each building plan to ensure that we are in compliance with all safety protocols.

• Students must wash and/or sanitize their hands prior to recess.

• School parties will not be allowed.

• Classroom field trips will be strongly discouraged during the pandemic, field trips should be held virtually whenever possible.

These documents are fluid and will change based on the best evidence-based information provided by the Ohio Department of Health and the Ohio Department of Education.

Current track

